What is it?

Cardizoom is an effective drug for hypertension. The product is produced in a convenient form - in the form of capsules, which simplifies the possibility of completing a treatment course at home. The drug has hypotensive, regenerating, antiplatelet properties. Thanks to this remedy, it is possible to avoid the transition of hypertension into a chronic form, and it is possible to prevent the development of life-threatening complications (heart attack, stroke, thromboembolism). The product has been tested by laboratory and clinical methods, the effectiveness and safety of these products are facts proven at the official level.

How it works?

The drug Cardizoom expands the lumens of blood vessels, reduces the load that occurs on them during the development of hypertension. Increases the degree of oxygen saturation of the brain, which serves to prevent the development of hypoxia. The capsules strengthen the veins and arteries, so when there is a massive influx of blood, the walls of the blood vessels are not damaged. The active components of Cardizoom cleanse the body of toxins. The product resolves atherosclerotic plaques formed on the walls of blood vessels. Prevents the recurrence of such complications because it regulates fat metabolism.
Cardizoom Official website
Attention!Only today 16.10.24

How to use?

Take a single dose of the hypertension drug Cardizoom.
In the morning, swallow 1 capsule on an empty stomach, without chewing it first.
Take the product with still water.
For the drug to work, it must completely dissolve. Therefore, after each use of Cardizoom you need to drink at least 200 ml of water.
Repeat taking the drug after 12 hours.
Take Cardizoom capsules for hypertension 2 times a day - morning and evening.


Garlic extract - Cardizoom Composition

Garlic extract

Reduces blood pressure levels. Helps blood pump the amount of blood that maintains normal health. Prevents vision deterioration and prevents retinal rejection.
Vitamin-mineral complex - Cardizoom Composition

Vitamin-mineral complex

Maintains blood thickness within normal limits, ensures rapid and effective resorption of blood clots. Recognizes the presence of toxic impurities in the body and removes them naturally.
Set of amino acids - Cardizoom Composition

Set of amino acids

Conducts thorough detoxification of the body. Improves the activity of the kidneys and heart, prevents the development of arrhythmia.


Payment - Cash on Delivery
Delivery Country - Nigeria
Delivery - 5-7 days
Availability - Yes


  • Hypertension caused by exhausting physical and mental stress, bad habits, poor diet, obesity.
  • Previous stroke, myocardial infarction.
  • High risk of stroke, heart attack (due to hereditary predisposition, hard work).
  • Symptoms: headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, poor coordination, heart pain.
  • Frequent cases of increased blood pressure during and after exposure to stress.
  • The desire to get rid of hypertension through the use of a natural, non-synthetic product.


  • Allergy to Cardizoom components.
  • Pregnancy period, lactation.
  • Presence of a pacemaker.
  • Childhood, adolescence.
  • Oncological process, autoimmune disease.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to use?
It is absolutely safe to use this dietary supplement if you follow the manufacturer's instructions and carefully study the contraindications
How long does delivery take?
Average delivery time from 3 to 8 days depending on where you live
Can Cardizoom be bought at a pharmacy?
No, our dietary supplements are sold only on this site. If you saw it in a store or pharmacy - do not buy it, as it is a fake
Are there side effects?
There were no other side effects other than those we have described.

Customer Reviews

“I had a good impression about the drug Cardizoom. The product began to help immediately, I didn’t have to wait long for the desired effect, and in the case of eliminating hypertension, this is important. At first I noticed that the headache stopped bothering me. Then shortness of breath and pain in the heart area disappeared. After 6 weeks I went back to the cardiologist and he said that I was completely healthy. It’s good that I found such a useful drug.”
“Over the years of struggle with hypertension, I took various remedies - from tablets to decoctions prepared from medicinal plants. There was an effect, but it did not last long - only the signs of the disease were eliminated, but the disease itself remained and soon reminded of itself. I realized that this couldn’t continue like this, and decided to buy Cardizoom. I liked the drug from the first days. During the entire course, not a single complication arose. Thanks to these products, complete recovery has occurred, and hypertension is a thing of the past.”
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